Ajaxchat - PHP Chat Script

Main Purpose of this :

Ajaxchat is a live chat script that lets you interact instantaneously with your friends.

Detailed Description:

Ajaxchat is a chat room web based script those features can be managed by the admin. The script is easy to install and lets you start your chat script based website instantaneously. Ajaxchat supports online forums, email and whatsapp. The script requires only PHP/MYSQL and it is best ajax chat system available. Ajaxchat also has free trial version for 30 days.

Features of Ajaxchat Script:
  • YouTube embedding
  • Instant text chat
  • Instant private chat
  • Emoticons
  • Set font colors and size
  • User registration

chatscript chat-system
Developer: Ajaxchat License: Commercial Price: 30 Views: 876 Updated Date: 20-Aug-2022

Ajaxchat - PHP Chat Script

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