Crowdfunding Clone script Like Kickstarter - Crowdfunding equity

Main Purpose of this :

Users from all walks post their creative ideas on the website, backers view their listing and if that idea interests them, they fund their idea for the exchange of rewards.

Detailed Description:

Everything you need for constructing an interactive equity based crowdfunding business can be completely given in the hands of BR Softech’s doorstep. They take care of the things in creating such a customized fundraising website with its Equity Crowdfunding script just in 2 working days. 

BR Softech made an intensive analysis and find out the huge scope in the pledge based Crowdfunding App model and came up with an excellent ready-made Kickstater clone script to the online world. It facilitates the budding entrepreneurs to quickly launch their pledge Crowdfunding App and website with advanced features in it.

New Delhi Office
Building No 212, Okhla Phase III
Okhla Industrial Area,
New Delhi, Delhi 110020
21 Overlook Ridge Terrace
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90, Usha Vihar, Triveni Nagar,
Gopalpura Bypass, 
Jaipur- 302018, Rajasthan INDIA

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Developer: BR Softech License: Commercial Framework: PHP Price: 1000 Views: 1091 Updated Date: 07-Nov-2019

Crowdfunding Clone script Like Kickstarter - Crowdfunding equity

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