Inout SmartDeal : Groupon Clone script
Main Purpose of this clone script:
Inout SmartDeal is a Groupon Clone script or a group buying script designed for small to medium businesses.
Detailed Description:
Inout SmartDeal is a groupon clone script or livingsocial clone script, it suits all the features from those clone websites with the single PHP script. It can be used by any small to large businesses. The PHP script allows unlimited merchants to promote their business through group deals. The website owner gets a commission for every sold deal and he can manage the comission in the admin panel. The Inout SmartDeal PHP script supports multilingual and multi-currency, so your customers get an international experience with this script. The major payment gateways such as PayPal,, Alery Pay and Skrill has been integrated into this groupon clone script. The merchant can list any number of deals, add unlimited images, unlimited videos and descriptions. The site owner can set the deal as featured.
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Inout Scripts
License: Commercial
Views: 659
Updated Date: 18-Aug-2022