Online Banking PHP Script

Main Purpose of this php script:

Online Banking Script is a fully automated PHP script that handles banking transactions

Detailed Description:

Online Banking Script is a fully automated PHP script that handles banking transactions. 
The script package contains:
- A Responsible Banking Home Page
- An Admin Portal (This controls and monitors the activity of each account created.)
- A User Panel
- SQL Database File

The features include
- Ability to create, edit, and delete accounts
- A state-of-the-art design that meets the banking standards
- All the pages are fully responsible, which means it automatically adjusts to all screen sizes
- It has credit, debit, disable, dormancy and closure options.
- Has a customized email template alerts in the case of crediting, debiting and transfers made.
- Uploading of user image
- Creating a credit and debit history for an account
- Records the number of times a user signs in and IP address.
- Successful transfer of funds.
- Internal messaging and ticketing system.
- SEO optimization (optional)
- Unlimited number of accounts
- SMS notification (optional)

The Project is Coded In
- Bootstrap
- jQuery

With Customer Support

Developer: Dorian License: Free Views: 6775 Updated Date: 22-Aug-2022

Online Banking PHP Script

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