Taxi / Cab Booking App like Ola
The iStudio Technologies taxi booking software incorporates improved end-to-end capabilities that allow the necessary requirements of all stakeholders, thereby ensuring total frictionless operation. We have developed a highly entertaining and flexible taxi booking software with the greatest user interface on the market. This app is distinctive and approachable for all stakeholders because to the seamless integration of capabilities that have been customised according to the stakeholder.
Driver App Features:
- Flexible Working Time
- Desirable Payment Received
- Transparent Earning Records
- Instant Update
- Social Login
- OTP Verification
- Spot Booking
- Scheduled Booking
- Background Verification
- Live Navigation
- Trip history
- Route Navigation Guide
- Call options
- Detailed invoice
- Earnings tracking
- Licensed to Cancel
- Cancelled Ride
- Availability ON/OFF
- Transaction History
taxi-booking-app-development taxi-booking-script
iStudio Technologies
License: Commercial
On Request
Views: 277
Updated Date: 20-Aug-2022