8tracks Clone

8tracks.com is an internet radio and social interacting website spinning around the idea of streaming user-curated playlists containing at least 8 tracks. Users can create free accounts from all over the world at 8tracks.com and are also able to browse the site and listen to other user-created mixes or playlists, as well as create their mixtures. 8tracks also had the skill as well as the feature to reverse sync with the following social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter to allow users to easily find their friends/families and increase their network.

All users and lovers of 8tracks.com could upload a playlist according to their wish on 8tracks. Mashups needed to embrace a minimum of eight songs, uploaded from the user's music collection, or directly opened from the 8tracks library. 8tracks.com also required its users to add headings, pictures, explanations, and at least 2 tags when creating a playlist. Here you can find the best 8tracks clone scripts.

Latest Clone Scripts

8Tracks Clone Script & Mobile App Thumbnail
8Tracks Clone Script & Mobile App Thumbnail
The user can stream audio on your iOS and Android phone. Control the entire app and website on through the admin panel. Handle the membership plan and user through the backend panel. Like to play your audio randomly? Shuffle your preferred tunes. Upload you...
Price: On Request