Dealdash Clone
Dealdash is a private e-commerce site launched in 2009 by William Wolfram. Dealdash is very similar to other auction sites and has been described as a gamified approach to e-commerce. To contribute, registered bidders first buy bids, bids start with the priced at $0.60 each, that they may devote bidding on auctions. Standard auctions begin with a starting price of $0.00, with every bid placed increasing or adding the price by $0.01 and eliminating one paid bid credit from the user's balance.
Purchasers may choose to place single bids, by physically clicking the bid button, or through an automatic bidding tool called the Bid Buddy. An auction clock restarts from a maximum of ten to thirty seconds, conditional on the auction, every time a bid is placed. If no fresh bids are announced before the watch runs out, the last and highest bidder is confirmed as the winner of the auction. Here you can find the best Dealdash Clone Script or Auction Script.
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