Forum Scripts

Forum scripts enables to create an online discussion site. People participating in an Internet forum can build bonds with each other and interest groups will easily form around a topic's discussion, subjects dealt within or around sections in the forum.

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Beehive PHP Forum Script Thumbnail
Beehive PHP Forum Script Thumbnail

Beehive PHP Forum Script

Beehive Forum forum script views: 1571

Beehive Forum Script is designed using PHP/MySQL. The script creates an online discussion forum with frames-based layout for easy navigation. Features of Beehive PHP Forum Script: Reply-to-user posting and e-mail notification Powerful HTML posting, wit...
CODOFORUM - PHP Forum Script Thumbnail
CODOFORUM - PHP Forum Script Thumbnail
This Forum script is well designed with new PHP coding patterns and is fully compliant with the new PSR standards. It has easy user interface and it is efficient and extensive. Multimedia files can be easily attached during a chat. It also supports the most...