Imdb Clone

IMDb is the most popular and valid source for movie, TV and celebrity content. IMDb offers a database of more than 180 million data items including more than 3 million movies, TV and entertainment programs and more than 6 million cast and crew members. It also provides the following information to help us decide what and when to watch: local movie show times, ticketing, trailers, critic and user reviews, personalized recommendations, photo galleries, entertainment news, quotes, trivia, box-office data, editorial feature sections and a universal Watch list. The collection of clone scripts of Imdb are listed below:

Latest Clone Scripts

IMDB Clone - Online Movie Database Script Thumbnail
IMDB Clone - Online Movie Database Script Thumbnail
This script is the clone of IMDB which is the database of online movies.   This Internet Movie Database (IMDB) website contains all possible information’s regarding a movie, it includes cast and crew of a movie, movie genre, reviews and ratings...
Price: On Request
Imdb Clone Script / Icefilms / Vovee Clone Script Thumbnail
Imdb Clone Script / Icefilms / Vovee Clone Script Thumbnail
This PHP Imdb clone script is highly customizable and user friendly.  It facilitates users to watch their preferred television program from anywhere and at any time. This PHP script is especially designed for busy people who are not free to watch the p...
Price: 150