Pinterest Clone

Pinterest is a social visual sharing website, in which users can find and share innovative ideas. They must register before using Pinterest. They can upload, share, and manage images which are called "pins" and other media collections are known as pinboards. Each of their pinboards revolves around a particular theme and they can save individual pins to their own pinboard using "Pin It" button. The collection of best Pinterest clone scripts or Photo Gallery Scripts are listed below:

Latest Clone Scripts

Social Pinboard - Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
Social Pinboard - Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
Social Pinboard - Pinterest Clone Script is used to create your own social sharing website like pinterest with responsive template. The script comes up with free addons.  Features of Social Pinboard - Pinterest Clone Script: It is powered with respo...
Price: 399
Inout StickBoard : Premium Pin & Board Style Social Photo/Video Sharing Script Thumbnail
Inout StickBoard : Premium Pin & Board Style Social Photo/Video Sharing Script Thumbnail
Inout StickBoard is pinterest clone script developed in PHP. The PHP script provides a solution for photo and video sharing in online like pinterest, users can collect the images from the albums such as events, hobbies, interests, love and more. Inout Stick...
Price: 349
Inspirational and Funny Photo Gallery - Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
Inspirational and Funny Photo Gallery - Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
This pinterest clone script has built in Photo Creator, so User can create photo using their own images, text, colors, effects. User can Share Photo directly to Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Google + or Download. Script has many features like Browse covers ...
Price: 125
AlstraSoft Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
AlstraSoft Pinterest Clone Script Thumbnail
Pinterest Clone Script can be customised for our own social network community. The Pinterest social networking model holds the customers to its site and engages on the average two to three times as efficient as Twitter.  Additional income may be genera...
Price: 179